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I just love how they always seem to under mind this man, and just so satisfying to watch when they realize how fck'd up wrong they are when fighting him now.

shadowrockzzz • 1 year ago

Every Chinese anime/drama has the same theme. So boring but u r saying it is entertaining. Hope u have not seen much Chinese dramas yet

vio • 1 year ago

Thankfully, everyone has different tastes. What you might find boring, others may enjoy. Personally, I'm tired of the majority of Japanese anime because most of them are very similar in storyline and its very predictable. As I've always been a fan of martial arts in general, Chinese anime/donghua, whichever you prefer... has always been of interest to me since I started watching them not to long after the release and completion of season 1 of Quanzhi Gaoshou.

shadowrockzzz • 1 year ago

That nice seen opinion you have. Since the Chinese New for you, it will be good at starting. I also got hooked up to this in the same way. But arrey watching the same things multiple times, i am starting to get boring. Also try to watch Quanzhi Gaoshou to the latest episode. Hopefully u will get what i mean.

I've had my fair share in these donghua's, but yea they do always go down the same route in plot development, but isn't that really mostly every anime/ drama where the arrogant bad guys always under mind and underestimate the MC power until he unleash his OPness on them. I just don't like any form bulling, and like it when the arrogant jerks get a taste of karma in justice.

AnimeSenpai2003 • 1 year ago

Well, he is a disciple of stone village.

Youtube Addict • 1 year ago

Yes and he's proud of it! Lol! I love how they add a small humourous touch to his character in the donghua. I like the part where he attacks before even finishing the count till three.

In the novel, he's super shameless to the extent that it's hilarious but he's generally a no-nonsense guy who doesn't conform to the norms of the society. Wherever he goes, he makes it clear to others that his life pleasures are eating and having "fatties" to warm the bed. The fun part is, it's contagious! All his good buddies in the future will be brainwashed by him in terms of feasting on their enemies! They would start cheering and drooling whenever he fights because they would get a good roast meat later. Lol!

vio • 1 year ago

Imagining the site of that spoiler made me laugh out loud. Also, I can understand his reasoning behind conforming to the norms of society some of the rules we live by today are a joke and complete waste of the paper they were wrote on.

Youtube Addict • 1 year ago

That!๐Ÿ˜‰ Canโ€™t agree more!

Welcome to the Woke generation! Everything has to be political correct or youโ€™ll risk offending those sensitive snowflakes.

vio • 1 year ago

I'd rather not be welcomed to it to be honest. :P

I wasnt talking about snowflakery by the way, I meant laws like America's jaywalking law for example. For both the people inside my country and myself its natural to cross the road or motorway whenever we want regardless of if its on a zebra crossing or not. We don't have that law here and rely on our ability to read the traffic and instinct to know when its safe to cross. Throughout my lifetime so far I've seen only one person truly ran over to the point she did a cartwheel in the air, thankfully she was ok after and only suffered a broken wrist. I've also seen my sister get run over by a parked car in front of someone's driveway that wasn't even moving which was pretty funny and I made fun of her for a while after that.

I can understand why that law was created but in a way its hurting people's ability to be more aware of their surroundings so its no wonder some of them are easy targets to pick pockets.

As for the snowflakery, that was easy to see coming from a mile off. I'm not a political person but growing up I witnessed changes in what was acceptable and what wasn't and its only got worse since then. The one thing I was most surprised about was recently learning that a misogynistic comedian is not only still alive but is still running around the country doing live shows with the sole focus of his jokes are about women. I'm not a snowflake but this guy has always been a bad influence that should have been shut down sooner.

AnimeSenpai2003 • 1 year ago

Can you give me link where you reading this Manhua.

Youtube Addict • 1 year ago

I don't read Manhuas! Or very rarely because most manhuas are just the vanilla version of the novels. But then again, for Perfect World, it might be worth it to read the manhua instead because the novel is just terribly long-winded. If the author were to cut 50% of the fluffs, PW will be one of the most perfect novels ever.

MR STOLEN Donghua • 1 year ago

Arrogant old fart is now he's servant ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Shanesai • 10 months ago

10:25 always got the waifus on stack

MerlandoXO • 1 year ago

Can't believe the ending of such a wonderful series is coming soon๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

ArchAngel • 1 year ago

I mean, I just check and there are 130+ episodes for this show.

MerlandoXO • 1 year ago

Yh previously they said 75 but they extended it to 130 which i am most satisfied with cause it's a great series.

MO MA • 1 year ago

MC everytime he sees a girl :" i will take you home and make you my wife" --' ... it's not even funny anymore it just make the MC looks like a retard

ShoutinginaEmptyvalley • 1 year ago

I seriously never expected him turn out to be such a little creep